During the Great Depression, a determined young girl has a Make-Do-Can-Do attitude. With a little help from Momma, Veleta Mae finds the perfect dress for school in an unexpected way–a flour sack.
In the Fall of 1938, Veleta Mae finally gets to go to school, but her dress is thinner than paper with a pocket holier than Swiss cheese. She decides to fix her problem by searching her farm for inspiration. Feathers? Daisies? Curtains? Veleta Mae all but gives up when she spots an empty flour sack that is decorated in a beautiful pattern. It will make the perfect dress! What she didn’t expect was that the kids at school had a similar idea. For a time, we were a nation of Flour Sack Girls.
Book also includes: A PAPER DOLL! History
of Flour Sack dress making, and depression era
bread recipe.
Flour Sack Girl
by Nina Bricko
Illustrated by Polly Alice McCann
Book Details:
● Publisher: Flying Ketchup Press
● Page count: 40
● eBook price: $6.99 ebook price
● Softcover ISBN-13: 978-1-970151-49-7
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